This is a god send. If you have pain. You need this app. If you can't sleep you need this app. If you are a human... You get it.
Needs to be updated i have it on my ipod it helps my pain that one was updated please update on andriod
very good
Galaxy Note 9: beats stop working every couple minutes. Needs bug update, seems there has not been one since 2015. Don't spend your money until app is fixed!
really upset that i paid for this app but suddenly it barely works. it'll be like 3 or 4 minutes in then stops completely. the timer still goes on, but the sound stops. i use this regularly and it's a pain in the butt when it doesn't work without me having to start it again over and over again.
I LOVE this app. It has been my go to for migraines. Suddenky now it stops the beats after 3 minutes. Super fruststing. Hope they fix it soon.
This use to be one of the best binaural beat apps. After loving it for years, it now stops playing the beats all of the time. It is so frustrating!! Please fix so I may utilize it again.
it helps my migraines quiet a bit if i use the app soon after the pain beigins